Research Topics & Ideas: Public Health

50 Topic Ideas To Kickstart Your Research Project
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IIf you’re just starting out exploring public health and/or epidemiology-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research by providing a hearty list of research ideas, including examples from recent studies in public health and epidemiology.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point. These topic ideas provided here are intentionally broad and generic, so keep in mind that you will need to develop them further. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

To develop a suitable research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap, and a viable plan to fill that gap. If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service.

Public Health-Related Research Topics

  1. Evaluating the impact of community-based obesity prevention programs in urban areas.
  2. Analyzing the effectiveness of public smoking bans on respiratory health outcomes.
  3. Investigating the role of health education in reducing the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa.
  4. The impact of air pollution on asthma rates in industrial cities.
  5. Evaluating the effectiveness of school nutrition programs on childhood obesity rates.
  6. The role of public health policies in addressing mental health stigma.
  7. Analyzing the impact of clean water access on infectious disease rates in rural communities.
  8. The effectiveness of needle exchange programs in reducing the spread of hepatitis C.
  9. Investigating the impact of social determinants on maternal and child health in low-income neighborhoods.
  10. The role of digital health interventions in managing chronic diseases.
  11. Analyzing the effectiveness of workplace wellness programs on employee health and productivity.
  12. The impact of urban green spaces on community mental health.
  13. Evaluating the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns in preventing outbreaks of infectious diseases.
  14. The role of public health initiatives in reducing alcohol-related harm.
  15. Analyzing the impact of aging populations on healthcare systems.
  16. Analyzing the impact of urbanization on mental health disorders in metropolitan areas.
  17. The effectiveness of telemedicine services in improving healthcare access in remote regions.
  18. Investigating the health impacts of electronic waste recycling practices.
  19. The role of health literacy in managing non-communicable diseases in aging populations.
  20. Evaluating the public health response to opioid addiction in rural communities.
  21. Analyzing the relationship between housing quality and respiratory illnesses.
  22. The effectiveness of community engagement in improving reproductive health services.
  23. Investigating the health effects of long-term exposure to low-level environmental radiation.
  24. The role of public health campaigns in reducing the prevalence of tobacco use among teenagers.
  25. Analyzing the impact of food deserts on nutritional outcomes in urban communities.
Research topic evaluator

Epidemiology Research Ideas (Continued)

  1. Investigating the epidemiology of antibiotic-resistant infections in hospital settings.
  2. The impact of climate change on the spread of vector-borne diseases.
  3. Evaluating the factors contributing to the rise in type 2 diabetes prevalence.
  4. Analyzing the epidemiology of mental health disorders in conflict zones.
  5. The role of epidemiological surveillance in pandemic preparedness and response.
  6. Investigating the link between environmental exposures and the incidence of childhood cancers.
  7. The impact of dietary patterns on the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases.
  8. Evaluating the effectiveness of intervention strategies in controlling obesity epidemics.
  9. Analyzing the spread and control of zoonotic diseases in rural communities.
  10. The role of genetic factors in the epidemiology of autoimmune diseases.
  11. Investigating the socio-economic disparities in cancer incidence and outcomes.
  12. The impact of urbanization on the epidemiology of infectious diseases.
  13. Evaluating the public health consequences of occupational exposures to hazardous substances.
  14. Analyzing the trends and determinants of mental health disorders among adolescents.
  15. The role of lifestyle factors in the epidemiology of neurodegenerative diseases.
  16. Investigating the patterns of mental health service utilization during economic recessions.
  17. The epidemiology of sports-related concussions in youth athletics.
  18. Evaluating the effectiveness of public health interventions in reducing the spread of tuberculosis in high-risk populations.
  19. Analyzing the geographic distribution of Lyme disease in relation to climate change.
  20. The role of international travel in the spread of emerging infectious diseases.
  21. Investigating the demographic predictors of chronic kidney disease in population-based studies.
  22. The epidemiological impact of air pollution on asthma and other respiratory conditions.
  23. Evaluating the long-term health effects of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
  24. Analyzing the incidence and risk factors of post-traumatic stress disorder in first responders.
  25. The role of socioeconomic status in the prevalence and management of diabetes.

I didn’t know if I was good enough.

See how Kelsee went from lost and confused to conquering her PhD.

Recent Studies: Public Health & Epidemiology

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual studies in the public health and epidemiology space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of recent studies to help refine your thinking. These are actual studies, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Tutorials in population neuroimaging: Using epidemiology in neuroimaging research (Godina et al., 2022)
  • Application of Big Data in Digital Epidemiology (Naaz & Siddiqui, 2022)
  • Response to comment on: Incidence of ocular and systemic disease affecting visual function among state bus drivers (Kohli et al., 2022)
  • Why epidemiology is incomplete without qualitative and mixed methods (Lane-Fall, 2023)
  • Teaching epidemiology: An overview of strategies and considerations (Hossain, 2022)
  • Social Epidemiology: Past, Present, and Future (Roux, 2022)
  • Population health assessment project: An innovative strategy for teaching principles of epidemiology (Keen et al., 2022)
  • The functions of veterinary epidemiology in public health (Shaffi, 2023)
  • Readying the Applied Epidemiology Workforce for Emerging Areas of
  • Public Health Practice (Daly et al., 2022)
  • Some Social Epidemiologic Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic (Schnake-Mahl & Bilal, 2023)
  • The Filth Disease: Typhoid Fever and the Practices of Epidemiology in Victorian England by Jacob Steere-Williams (review) (Steere-Williams et al., 2022)
  • Epidemiology of Adult Obesity, Measurements, Global Prevalence and Risk Factors (Orukwowu, 2022).
  • Which disciplines form digital public health, and how do they relate to each other? (Pan, 2022)
  • Information Flow and Data Gaps in COVID-19 Recording and Reporting at National and Provincial Levels in Indonesia (Barsasella et al., 2022).
    Epidemiology Blog of Neal D. Goldstein, PhD, MBI (Goldstein, 2023)
  • Sensitivity analysis of SEIR epidemic model of Covid 19 spread in Indonesia (Rangkuti et al., 2022)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

Research topic ideation course

Find The Perfect Research Topic


  1. Imam Dagne

    Public health related with research methods.

  2. Joh

    Health science🔭

  3. Katleho

    Research topics on public administration


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