#HenleyMBA: The Elusive "Henley Way", Explained Simply.By: Derek Jansen | July 2018If you’re a Henley MBA student, you’ve probably heard about the need to do things “the Henley way”. Indeed, I’ve seen many assignments that demonstrate very thoughtful analysis and...
Explore: Henley MBA Tips & Guides
How To Write A High-Impact Executive Summary
How To Write A High-Impact Executive SummaryBy Derek Jansen | January 2018ou’ve probably heard the line, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Cliched, but wise words nonetheless. In your assignments, your executive summary is...
The Henley MBA Exams: How To Prepare For The Big Day
How To Prepare For The Henley MBA Exams: A Step-By-Step Guide For Exam Success. By: Derek Jansen | January 2018The exams for the Henley MBA are tough – that’s for certain. They’re time-pressured, handwritten, count for a lot of marks and can test absolutely anything...
How To Write A Rich Reflection Chapter In Your Henley MBA Assignments
#HenleyMBA: How To Craft A Rich Reflection Chapter In the #HenleyMBA series, we’ve covered how to write up your introduction, analysis and recommendations chapters/sections, so now it’s time to look at the often under-considered reflection section. In this post, I’ll...
How To Rock The Recommendations Chapter In Your Henley Assignments
#HenleyMBA: How To Craft An A-Grade Recommendations Chapter In Henley MBA assignments, your recommendations chapter/section is typically the second biggest mark earner (the first being the analysis chapter). While every assignment will be different, there are some...
How To Reduce Word Count (Without Losing Precious Marks)
How To Reduce Word Count In Your Dissertation, Thesis Or Academics Assignments(without losing those precious marks)f you follow some of the advice on this blog, chances are one of your biggest challenges is keeping your academic writing projects...
How To Write A Strong Analysis Chapter In Henley Assignments.
#HenleyMBA: How To Write A Strong Analysis Chapter By: Derek Jansen | December 2017If the Henley MBA is about any one thing, it’s about learning to analyse well. Therefore, it's no surprise that the analysis chapter/section of most assignments is typically allocated...
How To Write A Winning Introduction To A Henley MBA Assignment
#HenleyMBA How To Write A Solid Assignment IntroductionBy: Derek Jansen | December 2017I’ll kick off this post by making a bold assertion: The introduction chapter of your assignment is the single most important section in your entire assignment. Yip. Not the analysis...
How To Create Rock-Solid Arguments In Your Dissertation Or Assignments
How To Create Rock Solid Arguments In Your Dissertation, Thesis Or Assignments The 6 Essential Ingredients (With Examples)By: Derek Jansen | August 2017Arguments happen all the time and that’s okay. Whether we realise it or not, we have arguments every day. We may...
How To Utilise Models And Frameworks The Right Way In Henley Assignments (With Examples).
How To Use Models & Frameworks In Henley MBA AssignmentsBy: Derek Jansen | May 2017One of the most common issues we see while working with hundreds of Henley MBA students is poor model and framework integration and application. Sound selection and application of...
#HenleyMBA: Why presentation is important (and how to get it right).
#HenleyMBA Why presentation is important in assignmentsBy: Derek Jansen | April 2017Working with hundreds of Henley MBA students, I often get asked a similar question. That question is: "What can I do relatively easily to push my assignment marks up?" Sometimes, this...
#HenleyMBA: The 4 Foundational Pillars Of Rock-Solid Henley Assignments
The 4 Foundational Pillars Of Rock-Solid Henley MBA AssignmentsYou’ve been involved in your industry for over 10/15/20 years. You’ve learnt a thing or two along the way. Your opinion counts in the boardroom. When you talk, people listen. Therefore, your opinion must...
#HenleyMBA: Why “topic fit” is critically important (and how to find a good topic).
#HenleyMBA: Why "brief-topic fit" is critically importantSo, you’ve got this problem or opportunity at the office and you’d love to kill two birds with one stone by making it the topic of your next Henley MBA assignment. You’ve done some initial reading of the module...
#HenleyMBA: Why focus is your friend when writing assignments.
#HenleyMBA: Why focus is your friend when writing assignmentsAs we've discussed before, a good Henley MBA assignment is one that focuses on a well-defined, relevant topic, identifies a clear, answerable research question and then proceeds to draw extensively on both...
#HenleyMBA: How to use research questions to set a clear direction and purpose in your assignments.
#HenleyMBA: How to set a clear direction and purpose in your assignments by using research questionsWhen it comes to writing up your Henley MBA assignments, being crystal clear about what your assignment will address (and why) is essential to earning good marks. In...
Henley MBA 101: How To Succeed In Your Henley MBA
The Henley MBA 101 Series: Everything you need to know to ace your Henley MBA.Whether you're just starting out on your Henley MBA journey, or your already knee-deep in the Henley battle zone, we've crafted this series to help you understand exactly how to craft...